
Cisco AGS+ upgrade (version 2)

 Cisco AGS+ upgrade   From the year 1995 Advanced Gateway Server (AGS) The AGS+  is the successor to Cisco’s AGS router, which was released in 1986 and is widely recognized as the first commercial multi-protocol router that could link multiple LAN and WAN networks.  The software was originally developed by Bill Yeager at Stanford, then licensed and enhanced by Cisco founders Len Bosack and Sandy Lerner. T his was the 5,000th AGS!!    My thanks to  Merrill Mcadams for the photo Why 1995? Because the AGS+ that I have on the lab, the EPROM memory chips have IOS 10.2(2) and are date stamped 1995. Therefore my pretend IOS upgrade is set back then. The year is 1995, Toy Story and Apollo 13 movies are screening, while Kiss from a Rose/Seal and All I Wanna Do/Sheryl Crow were  in the pop charts. Not forgetting Windows 95 kicked out Windows 3.1 Just to refresh your memory In order to appreciate the pain from back then, here's a quick review of memory syst...
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